Vigyan Prasar has established an EduSat two way Audio – Video interactive communication network in association with Development and Educational Communication Unit (DECU) of Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Ahmedabad. It is mainly proposed for science communication/ science popularization purpose and also for disaster management. Twenty states of our country have been included in the first phase of this project. At present all these states have one each field centers. The state council or department of science and technology of respective states identified a field centers. All field centers have Satellite Interactive Terminals(SITs) which were set up by the help of DECU – ISRO.
Bhuj SIT is only one in Gujarat State.
In each SITs also there will be a dish antenna, modem,web camera, mic, sound systems and Personal Computer. The signals reach modem from Dish Antenna is in analog form. It will be converted into digital format by modem and send to PC. PC is loaded with VLC software. Using this VLC software, multicasting programs can be viewed.
Vigyan Prasar started its multicast through this network on 3rd January 2006.
Vigyan Prasar has a well-prepared studio for EduSat Interactive Netwok. In this entire network, this studio is called as Teaching end. All other SITs spread over 20 states are known as class ends. Since ours network is a two way communication system, the subject experts or teachers who conduct classes from the teaching end can see and interact with the people or students who sit at each SITs.
As Vigyan Prasar’s EduSat Communication Network, other Institutions such as Indira Gandhi Open University (INGOU), New Delhi, Center for Education Consortium (CEC), New Delhi etc also have communication net works using EduSat facility. Among them, each network can be identified by a multicast address. We have the address
Mr. Bhupesh Goswami (BRC Co-ordinator, Bhuj) and Mr. Nanji J. Janjani (CRC Co-ordinator Mirzapar) is site Co-ordinator of SIT Bhuj.